Sunday, December 23, 2007


Does that not just completely blow your mind? HE BECAME FLESH! FLESH!

The Sovereign Omnipotent God, Creator, Divine Artist, The Potter of everything that lives and moves and has being----He became flesh! FLESH! Just Boggles the Mind!

Happy Birthday Jesus. Thank You for coming and saving us from our dirtiness, our sin, ourselves......thank You for becoming flesh.


Homemanager said...

Yes! He came in weakness as a babe and committed Himself into ungodly hands to care for Him...He did that again for the cross...Awesome God!!!

I love your Jonathan Edwards quote, Lill. I was told that there were two things that I should do - know God and know myself. I'm finding that as I avail myself to know Him more,and He reveals Himself through His word, my heart is being revealed and the desire for holiness has increased.

Who can compare to our Awesome God? No one! Not one!
Christmas Blessings!

Faith said...

Merry Christmas! The fact that He became flesh is mind-boggling to us! Dave was just reading that portion of Scripture for our Christmas morning devotions at the breakfast table (after we opened our stockings of course....!) and we all discussed how He did NOT have to come down here as a baby in the flesh and live among us....but He CHOSE to! My daughters actually seemed to get alot out of this reading this year for which I am praising the Lord! Blessings to you in the new year!