Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday June 21, 2008

Today, I must say we did pretty much nothing outside the house. It was really muggy. We stayed in and I finally {I think} got all my clothes hung up in the closet {did I mention I have a huge cedar closet in my bedroom? Oh I do} ...My bed is made, dinner is done {Chicken ala Nonny}, dishes are done, swiffering is done....chores are done.

Nonny has been having pain and swelling in her left knee for some time. Finally, her PCP sent her to an orthopedic specialist. She has something called Osgood Schlatter {sp?} knee---alot of people who play "hard" sports get it. It looks like, in the xray, a tooth growing on her knee--lol, yes giggle. Then because of the swelling he did a lyme screen and that came out according to his message that he left Friday, we have to go see him again because he said the Osgood would not cause the swelling...Also on Friday was her follow up with her PCP concerning her asthma...the maintenance drugs seem to be doing good work and doc is changing the rhinocort to nasonex --why you ask? Because the copay for the rhinocort was $50!!!! So that with 2 maintenance drugs, albuterol, my 2 medz...two weeks ago in medz alone I spent $140.00--in copays. Not including the PCP & other doc visit copays...

Then after all that we went to Homegroup. Had a good time, we are studying the book of John and have a workbook that goes with it. We discussed chapter 3. It was really good stuff...Nicodemus meeting Jesus at night...John the Baptist telling his disciples, don't get mad at Jesus, did I not tell you that He is the Christ?

My good friend, we will call her, Ess, she had to get 4 teeth pulled so she was in quite a bit of pain when I saw her yesterday...she went to the dentist planning on 2 out and walked out with 4 out.

Work was ok, typical Friday...Nonny had a 1/2 day of school so she was home by noon. I am so happy we did not plan anything for today, it was a nice relaxing day.

I have been blogging my butt off and searching other people's blogs...hope to hear from you soon!

1 comment:

Faith said...

HI Lill!
I really want to read your latest posts...I'll be in middle of getting ready for the early service. Courtney and I are serving at the Welcome Desk in the Youth Center this a.m. and then I'm attending the 11 a.m. service in main sanctuary with Dave. I gotta be there by 8: 30 and still need to post my Sunday Scriptures...but..I'll be back...can't wait to see your bronx zoo pics!