Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Word of the Week: Faith

I was just thinking that if I got something going here daily or every other day, I would blog more. I want to blog.....

So Wednesday I am choosing as the word of the week and I choose for this week: Faith and what does the Merriam-Webster dictionary define faith as?

1) Loyalty to duty or to a person {being faithful}
2) Belief in God
3)Firm belief even in the absence of proof
4) A system of religious beliefs

I am pretty much concentrating on #3 and my Scripture {one of my favorites} is:

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20

Did you read that? Nothing will be impossible for you.

I believe what Jesus is saying is: If you believe in the power of My Name and you have a mountain that is holding you back, tying you down, keeping you from the work He has called you to do---He is saying tell it to go in His Name and it will go. And have faith that it went.

I know mountains I have that need to go---mountains I used to have that went. I had a mountain of addiction, hatred, unforgiveness, betrayal......Do you have a mountain you would like to tell to go.....well tell it to go....

In the might Name of Jesus, Mountain of ___________ move and throw yourself into the sea. Thank You Jesus that it is gone....thank You I no longer have to look at this mountain. Thank You that You live inside me and want the best for me and You have given me guidance and direction and have given me the power by Your Holy Name to remove the mountains in my life that hinder me. Thank You Jesus.

Do you have a mountain you would like to talk about, blog about? A mountain that you have a mustard seed of faith to get rid of?

Faith: hmm, things hoped for but yet unseen, our hoped for eternal life, Heaven, rivers of milk & more tears, no more worries, no more sickness, no more more mountains...except the beautiful mountains that are from our Lord....yes, I have that faith. Do you?


Faith said...

Excellent post! So glad to see you are back!
I'll be back....can't wait to read more of what the Lord is putting on your heart!

OH! and the 5th graders from claire's school (she's in 3rd) are going to the Bronx Zoo tomorrow too! WHen Courtney went she loved it! HAVE FUN

Homemanager said...

If you go to my sidebar and click on "Between Two Worlds" then scroll down to the post called, Ferguson Sermon Series on the Book of James. Click on any one of these Sermons on Faith. You will be blessed!!!
I listened to "How Faith Works". It was excellent!
I know you will think so too :-)