Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Believe, Believe, Believe

One aspect of Christianity that I am very 'interested' in (for lack of a better term) is spiritual warfare, prophecy and intercessory prayer....one of the issues I struggle with daily is prayer. I don't know how many others do, but, I do, so is it not the Lord's humor that I would be hungry for that? I love to pray for others and lay hands and wait on the Lord to see if He has an encouraging word. I love to do intercessory prayer because you have the honor of standing on someone's else's behalf...I love spiritual warfare because--well you know!

I am sure you may be scratching your head going, "if she is hungry for all that and loves doing it, how does she struggle with prayer?" I struggle starting it....well, I should say I used to struggle starting it...I believe the Lord has delivered me from such things. I used to look at the clock and say, "I know once I start I am not going to stop for a while and I don't have enough time." Well....I have learned to start putting aside time specifically for prayer. Because I enjoy intercession & warfare and praying for others---this consumes alot of my time in prayer (which is ok) and I write down alot of stuff during the day ---i.e. Jane's Mom was admitted to the hospital over the weekend....John's wife just found out she has breast cancer...Mary's daughter is addicted to drugs....Joe's niece is taking a state board exam...etc......well, then I want to fight the good fight---I want to make sure I have a part in knocking down the enemy who may try to hinder all these people's lives......this is why it can take some serious time and I would struggle with time in doing it...I say prayers in the morning yes, but, nothing like I wanted and nothing like I was doing when I came home from work---see what I mean???

So I am hoping to put alot on this post about prayer, interecession and warfare...in the trenches. I am praying the Lord just fills me up and gives me wisdom, understanding and knowledge concerning it all and be able to blog it all here and all the outcomes too...

Just remember with faith the size of a mustard seed you can say to a mountain move and it moves and where 2 or 3 are gathered together there He is or ask for it so you can receive it (you don't have because you don't ask--read James), believe, believe, believe....whatever we bind on earth is bound in Heaven and whatever is loosed on earth is loosed in Heaven.....keep the faith and stand firm---His Word will not return void (empty)--it is impossible for Him to lie because He is truth!!!! believe believe believe ......

See you soon....

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