Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Keeping On.....

Today we kept right on schedule again! I came home and vacuumed the front hallway and cleaned the toilet. Nonny is out doing the dishes and then she will vacuum the living room. It is trash night so she already took care of the recyclables and trash....I get to hold the flashlight for her while she does it all because I have yet to buy a motion light for the back of the house and it is dark here now at like 5 o'clock.

I also had to clear and set the table and of course cook dinner....My next encounter will be to finish up with the floor of "what are you doing"...the 'wall of what" is gone! What a relief.....
Another thing I need to conquer is the armoire that holds the linens...I have a wicker basket all set aside for the washcloths---it is almost guaranteed in my house that if you reach into the armoire you don't know if you are going to pull out a hand towel, bath towel or wash cloth....so that is another event that will be taken in....
Ok so now....off to take care of other things, see you soon.....

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