Friday, November 23, 2007

Genesis of my daughters Tag

I want my daughter on this blog, so I wanted to start out by telling you a little about her and to have a special "tag" all about her.

She is 9 years old and wears a size 7.5 womans shoe! Yes believe it, it is true. She has sparkly brown eyes so full of life and a smile that will melt your heart.

She is honest & sincere, she loves helping out & taking care of people. She is in love with the Lord and has a faith so deep--even I as her Mom can not fathom.

She is a wiz at math, not too happy about reading and can spell her socks off. She is just getting interested in science, loves to play board games and create objects of splendor with the arts & crafts supplies galore that we have.

She has a robust laugh and she giggles uncontrollably when you tickle her. She is the pickiest eater I have ever met in my life yet tells me I am the best cook in the world.

She loves animals & ocean life, space & exploration and can spend hours petting our cat Lilah-Jayne.

She is the joy of my life.

So I will be putting little quips and stories about my daughter here. Hope you enjoy them.

My brag and boast at this time is: She made the honor roll!!!! 4 As and 2 Bs. woo hoo!!!

I remember we did not have an honor roll in elementary school--ours started in 7th grade. But now they start in 4th grade!

I am so proud of her!!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad my kids have their own fath too, it is such a blessing and like you I can't fathom it.

I have friends whose kids have been pushed away from force feeding, but I have just let my to take in what they want, and wow, it seems they are so good.

Glad you had a good time on thanksgiving.

Your daughter is beautiful, and you need to get a picture of you up there!

Where has all your other stuff gone, I read your reason, but it seems to have disappeared!

Your brother


not used anymore. said...


Congratulations on your daughter's honor roll. YOu must be proud. Faith in a child is so precious. Well, done again mom.

Jesus Girl