Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Not All That Bad

ok, so, I didn't do all my chores today---because you know it is a Wednesday and that something just comes with that day. I did do my dusting and left overs for dinner and can you believe Nonny is still doing homework? She is a turtle today too.

Nonny's dishes are still waiting for her in the kitchen and she has to dust the computer----that means I will have to leave it soon....

We are still pretty much on track....just been a tiring day....

1 comment:

Faith said...

LOL! It must be something in the air. We didn't do many chores here either but....hey...the house is respectable, the homework is done, the oldest made it out the door in time for her Youth Group coffeehouse event and I actually had time to play a game of Parchesi with the little one! I consider that more important than mopping my dining room floor which was on my afternoon before they get home from school, I will mop! Today is a new day!