Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Trainees, Hurt Feelings & Thankfulness

Nothing to do after work tonight, just have the Wednesday ho-hums....Work was okay..still helping with mentoring the trainees and so it went kind of quick.

I think one thing the Lord is really helping with is biting me tongue. There were a few times today that I did want to say some things that were not so good. I was allowing my flesh to 'rule' and had to keep capturing those thoughts.....I am of course confessing here. There are certain things that people do that just really tear at me---and I am pretty positive I do things that tear at others too--known and unknown.....But, I think the thing that really bugs me the most is when people are trying to get into a conversation that had started 15 minutes ago and then they want all the details (we were not gossiping) and you know that they just want details to see what they can talk about to someone else later---that just really makes me want to scream....

Also, one of the trainees got so upset and discouraged today that she cried. I felt so bad for her. Our boss pulled her into a separate office and then there went the hens just gossiping away about what made her cry....when they could not figure it out, they started guessing and making up stories....Now these are grown women with husbands and kids, some in college--I just really had to stop myself from saying alot of stuff---walk away and just know that they are lost--they have no Jesus....they are hurting badly too and they just don't want anyone to see.....Yes, sin is sin...gossip is sinning you are not treating your neighbor with too much love are you??? Yet we know that people talk and gossip about others so noone looks at them---sad isn't it?

I am so glad I bit my tongue---I could have said a lot and would have hurt more hurts or made new ones--more to gossip about....I am so glad I have Jesus.....I am so glad that I am still learning yet I know not to do it....I am so glad I have Jesus---and I hope I never cry in front of them---actually do I care? I should not. I saw and heard what happened.....and when this girl came out of the office as I made my way to the fax machine, the clique dispersed and was acting like nothing happened and then later on they were asking her if she wasy okay....was there anything they could do for her....UGH!

I just had to say it....I just had to get it off my chest....Though it is on is now before my Lord and He will handle it--like He always does....Jesus forgive me for what I wanted to do. Forgive me for judging. Forgive me for anything else today that had me in the need to bite my tongue and capture thoughts....thank You Jesus....

1 comment:

Faith said...

Hi Lil: I liked this post because gossip as always been a pet peeve of mine too. If we are all honest with our selves as women, we ALL have gossiped at least once in our lives! (and probably more!). I had had it one day and actually had to end a friendship because of it...but...i can be friends with that person again because I have learned to hang up as soon as it begins (it tends to happen over the phone). The other person now knows I mean business. We are not perfect but boy...without Christ in our lives, we sure would be a mess wouldn't we? People who are not Believers just don't know it is sin. They really don't. They might know it is "wrong" but the world doesn't call it sin. We need to be lights in the darkness (especially our work place) and shine the love of Jesus through our actions as well as our words.
Thank you for a wonderful honest post! God bless you!