Friday, November 23, 2007

Wall of What?

I am so proud of myself---I really am trying to get organized. Yet every new undertaking takes---money-yup---I hate money sometimes I really do.....but, I will start saving---yes....I need dressers, a new desk, my Nonny needs a new bed (Nonny is my daughter's nickname), There are other things.....yet I know I can save the money to get some things. Other things well, I just will have to get creative......and I will believe me---one thing my Dad taught me was to be resourceful!!! lol

I have, or shall I say, had this wall of what?? exactly--still trying to figure out what that wall was. It was in a "spare" room I use for storage and makeshift office---shame on me for thinking I could put both in the same room.....I can not believe the things I actually saved....unbelievable. I did however find books I thought long lost and my shredder---lol---I can see your faces now and hear you (oh my goodness--how big was that wall?) HUGE, my friends.....I now have moved this Wall of What? to another room---hahaha----my living room.....It is no longer a wall of what it is now a floor of What Are You Doing? lol----I am sorting it all out people and have thrown alot away. I also found some Christmas tree decorations I thought were long gone a blessing has come out of my decision to get more organized.....I am inviting you on this journey. The Method in my Madness......I am going to need advice and help.....mind you now, my house is not dirty or unclean----just unorganized--lol for lack of a better term. My dishes are clean, just in all different parts of the cabinet---and I don't have those either, so I shove it where it can fit.....My clothes are clean, just........there and there. So in my cry for trying to get organized comes my confessions of disorganization.........welcome to my reorganization!

1 comment:

Homemanager said...

I'm proud of you too! :-) It always is a "what are you doing?" mess before it becomes a "wow, I like this "new" room!"
If there is anything specific that you are looking for and I have one to give you, let me know!!! email me with what you are truly needing.