Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Pianist

On Thanksgiving day we watched this movie at my friend's home. This is a film by Roman Polanski. It is the true story of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Polish Jew who detailed survival during World War II. He was a composer and pianist who played the last five songs heard over Polish radio before the Nazi's hit. He was not deported from Poland due to someone else's aide but watched his family (parents, brother & sisters) be taken off to their deaths in concentration camps. He stayed in the Warsaw Ghetto. You watch as he tries to stay alive in this ghetto.

I will be purchasing this movie. It is phenomenal and heart wrenching. Adrien Brody who plays Szpilman is fantastic. You watch the hand of God in his life. There were so many tmes that the Nazi's just started picking people and killing them and never killed him----I don't want to tell you everything....but, definitely worth the watch.This movie is very violent, they don't hold back much. Remember it is a true story. There is alot of widespread killing that he witnesses and is shown in the movie. Also, remember that he is in a ghetto and is pretty much being starved so you see this happening.

I recommend this movie to anyone who like history, biographies and seeing the Grace of God in someone's life......

The movie has a website : that has all the cast & crew and the making of it....if you watch it you will find your time spent worth while.
The top left picture is that of Wladyslaw Szpilman.


Faith said...

This movie was a favorite of dave's and I. We saw it when it first came is just an amazing movie. It really affected us for days afterwards! So glad you got to see it!

Faith said...

Lil, it's me again. I wouldn't recommend this movie to children under the age of 14 though! way too graphic and violent.(in my opinion...) Shindler's List was like that too. We haven't yet let Courtney see those films. but they are so good that someday I want her to see this part of history. (maybe in a couple of years when she is 16)