Friday, July 4, 2008

Report Cards & School Supplies

I am so proud of my Nonny. She is now well on her way to 5th grade. All year she was on the honor roll--the 3rd quarter she had all straight As, all the others 4 As & 2 Bs. She did not get the teacher she wanted but she got the teacher she needed.

One thing I appreciate about the school in my area is that they send home the school supply list of what the next grade teacher wants when they send home the report card, so you have 2 months to buy the supplies.

I hit WalMart the day of the list. I was somewhat disappointed to see that the 1 subject notebooks were gone---because they sell them for 10 cents there. And do you know how hard it is to find 2 subject notebooks? Last school year I had the same issue and this year not only do I need a 2 subject but it has to be purple! Yes our school coordinates the notebook with the folders! And she is allowed to have 2 folders of her choice this year vs. only the homework folder all the other years. In case you are wondering, they do this because there are alot of children whose families can not afford the fancier stuff so they don't want to the children to feel they are not getting the same as other children AND it does knock down the "stealing" of the child's folders and notebooks because noone's is better than the others.

So anyway her list is {the item with ** means I still have to purchase it}:

Folders: red, green, blue, yellow & purple
1 Subject Notebooks: red, green, blue & yellow **
2 Subject Notebook: purple **
1 pkg of loose leaf paper
Pencil case
Blue or Black erasable pens
3 Composition notebooks
Crayons or colored pencils
2 low odor Expo markers
2 Folders any design
3 glue sticks
Box of tissues--boys
Ziploc Storage bags--girls

So as you see I don't have to get anything but notebooks. Everything else I bought last paycheck.

5th grade is the last grade in elementary here. I remember it was 6th grade when I was growing up. So this is a big year for Nonny. This year she will have a small family birthday celebration vs. a big one which we normally have, because I would like to have a barbecue for her on her moving up day---not a huge thing, but, something where good friends and family can come and celebrate her accomplishments.

I told her the other day "I love you" and she said "Who doesn't?" lol....

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