Saturday, November 24, 2007

Cleaning & Cats

Today made for an eventful day. I have to say I was busy and then had the socks knocked off of me.

I was continuing with getting some stuff sorted through and put away from my What are you doing? on the floor....I did get alot put back in the office in a neat and orderly way. I have a friend who is going to help me out with other things (thanks)....I am in the middle of trying to create a 'master' grocery list so I can just make copies and then highlight what I need.....

Tonight was a left overs night for dinner, tomorrow I believe it is back to the stove. Nonny took care of washing the dishes and putting them away tonight and is now in the living room watching the DVD of Peter Pan. I did not get the tree up yet! Tomorrow after church I will be clearing a space in front of the bay window for that means more of the stuff on the living room floor will get put away (woo hoo)

Alot of sirens tonight in my neighborhood, lots of fire trucks and ambulances, I pray every time they pass.....or I hear one....

Well our cat Lilah scared me to death tonight....she had another seizure. This is the second one, that I know of.....since we had her (since March 2007)....she had ran and tucked herself under the china cabinet this time, so it was very difficult to get to her.....I reached under as best as I could and pet her, holding her head with one hand so she didn't whack it and petting her with the other while I prayed to our dear Lord to take whatever this is out of her......Vet says, believe it or not, this is not so rare.....let me make a foot note that I have talked to many people and they have said their animals (even horses) have them too....I grew up with any kind of animal you can name (okay no chickens or goats) and I have never seen this scares you half to death and the Vets do not recommend any medz unless they are having them frequently and no, 2 (that we know of) in 8 months is not frequently enough to drug her---which is fine with me---she recovers by pacing and eating like a pig (sorry for the pun), I have to move the dish off the floor because she literally eats her dry food whole, just gulps and swallows, and then drinks and drinks and pants and then sleeps and sleeps....right now she is next to me on another folding chair getting ready to attack my feet because they are moving....

It is so scary to watch and be around...she is only 2. According to the humane society she was born in a home and raised there till the owner passed away----I know we had problems with the foods here,yet I brought her home after that---the Vets said that we don't know what she was fed before she came to the humane society---that is kind of unnerving. He said she is in great shape and just the way a cat should be----whew.....well, I will not lay on it too much, I will let my Jesus take it---here You go Jesus, take care of our Lilah-Jayne.....

Well I am now emotionally and physically drained......

See you after church,


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