Sunday, February 17, 2008

Baby B Brings My Nonny New Faith

My baby sister who was born when I was 18, living on my own and working full time {yes I am going to feel old again in a minute}, gave birth to twin boys in June 2006. We will call them B & O. O was born strapping and strong and ready for the world. B however, he was not, he was underweight, he had to be "encouraged" to breathe, he had to be rushed away from his Mom to a hospital specializing in prenatal ICU in a helicopter even before she lay eyes on him. While O was a typical newborn baby boy, his twin was struggling for his life some miles away. B's lungs were not fully developed, there were heart issues, he was "not responding" to noise or anything....pretty much comatose....he was fed IV.

My daughter was very excited about having twin baby boys to play with.....because the prognosis for B was not good, they did not expect him to thrive, my step-mother and sister decided to advise the family. Please note, that my sister had an emergency c-section and still has not lay eyes on her son who she was being told would not live. She was having a difficult time bonding with O and O knew something was wrong---babies know--they know. soon as we received the news----I went right to the Throne! As I pulled in friends to join her bedroom my daughter also was having her conversation at the Throne {she was 8 at the time}....I don't know exactly what was said or done.....but the next day.......

The doctor from the hospital called my stepmother to let her know-------are you ready?

B was responding....he was making 'sucking' motions with his mouth, his eyes had opened, he coughed, he made bowel movements {this is a big deal you know}, he hands were gripping the nurses fingers, his heartbeat was strong.....and you want to know something? The doctor's were completed baffled and speechless {as was my unsaved family}......Bringing that news to us was instant Praise to Jesus----instant!

My Nonny turned to me and said, "I talked to Jesus and I asked Him to keep B alive. And He did." Only you who know, can understand the faith that brought my daughter into....A new level....

You would never know looking at B that he had a death sentence written for him....he strong and your typical little boy....he had no surgeries {which they thought would happen in a last attempt to save him} and his pediatrician stated that you would never know....and you wouldn't...

Thank You Jesus---for showing up---for being the same yesterday, today and forever. For giving me and my daughter a deeper level of faith.....for showing an unsaved family who You are............

Thank You

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