Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Call Me Superwoman

Good Tuesday Evening to all of you!

It has been quite the busy two days. I was going to get into something yesterday on here and was side tracked {called housework}. Yesterday was dusting day in the living room and my living room is the biggest room and there is much to dust. Then there was the daily swiffering & vacuuming and such. Dinner yesterday was simple: spicy chicken strips, elbow macaroni & broccoli smothered in Barilla sauce. Nonny is not a sauce fan so she had french fries. Oh and I had washed all the curtains from my other apartment {upstairs} and brought them back upstairs and hung them {they were my landlords}...oh and laundry, Monday is whites.

Today, somewhere, somebody must have taken the kryptonite out of my house because it was like SHAZAM! I had unbelievable drive to do alot. I woke up this morning, did the usual and before I even turned the computer on for work I took all the unpacked boxes out of the office and set them in the kitchen and started going through them. I woke Nonny up {had to do that twice} to get her ready for school {starting the count down, her last day is Thursday and its only an hour!}....Sent her off to school and then on my first break I started laundry {weatherman predicted rain so I hung the clothes in the house--kind of upset because it did not rain until tonight!}. Tuesdays is light colors {2 loads of them}--ok ok I can drive you a little crazy with some of my schedules---but it keeps me on track---it really does. On my lunch break I rearranged my bedroom {after I took everything out of it} and now all the boxes that need to be unpacked are in the spare bedroom! So you can't even get in there now, On my last break I vacuumed both rooms and did dishes. Well...........I did 2 rooms and worked 8 hours! Then Nonny and I had dinner, Kielbasa---Nonny don't believe me when I tell her that it is sausage, she does not believe it she says "Can't be this isn't gross".....The normal chores were done and then the phone rang---uh oh----yeah, you know those family members that call like once or twice a year and tell you about a family event {yeah, today is Tuesday and they were calling for Friday}, it was a paternal cousin saying "Oh we are having a birthday party for _____, and wanted you guys to come" "when is this?" I ask, "Friday" My head started spinning---yes, Friday, this Friday? I have the Taco Cafe coming up, grocery shopping and cooking and.....And I hate to say it but then when you don't bring the best gift, because you had 3 days notice and you don't drive and you follow a strict budget---well, then you are the talk for quite some time {doesn't she work? didn't she know________ don't like that? her daughter has nice clothes...} yeah, yeah, yeah...Yes I work, and I work. No, I don't know _______ don't like that because I see her semi-annually and yes my daughter has nice clothes---because they are budgeted out in the budget way ahead of time---AND most of her clothes come from other people and the Salvation Army & JC Penney 60%-75% off---so I don't spend alot of money there---whew, I really needed to vent and didn't even realize it......so if we don't go it will be chaos, but, I have to grocery shop on Friday--have to. So forgive me for losing it a little....I just get a little annoyed by it all. I don't think we will be going just due to the fact this was really short timing don't you think? I hope they understand that...I really do. Forgive me Jesus for everything above, I do love my family even if I only see them once or twice a year. I do love them. I pray that they come to know You one day---really soon. Amen.

So tomorrow is Word of the Week Wednesday.....I will find one yes I will!

Oh and garbage and recyclables had to be done tonight and we are still breaking down boxes, believe it or not---oh and I was going to change my showerhead {because I bought a nice new waterpik handheld and no I didn't budget for it, President Bush bought it for me in my stimulus check} but my wrench does not have any grips so I can't get the old one off---can you believe it? It just goes round and round...I have a friend who will take care of that for me, he is really good at all that fixer upper---so till tomorrow, love you all, don't forget to leave your comments!


preacherman said...

Wonderful post.
You do so good with your blog.
Keep up the great work!

Faith said...

Hi Lil!
Thanks for leaving the nice comments on my blog!
And in my opinion, I do think that party invite you write about was just too much of short notice...good grief....I always send out my invites for the girls' parties about 2 weeks in advance....but...it is hard with families...as Christians we need to extend grace yet it is ok to say NO!
Enjoy your Taco Cafe and the rest of your week!

Homemanager said...

The Lord's grace is so sufficient! It sounds like you were having a "grace" day! :-D
I love "grace" days!