Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Apartment, New Chores, New Organization

I am still working on organization---I can get better at it now, because I have room to move. There are things I need, shelving units....I also need a new kitchen table. We are using a fold up card table right now as our kitchen table. If we have anything with any kind of sauce on it, it stains the top of the table if we drop something on it.

I have cabinets, cabinets, cabinets. I didn't have cabinets in my last apartment {really I didn't} so this is a huge blessing for me. I have a walk in closet and spare bedroom and full basement and so much to get going on. The walk in closet {which really was the smallest of the 5 bedrooms} has everything in it right now--things that need to be unpacked--things to put away. It also has a linen wardrobe and our former microwave cart that will either be used for tools and arts & crafts or as a start of our "other" pantry {details later}.

The spare bedroom sits with its door closed right now because whatever didn't fit in the walk in closet now sits in the spare bedroom. The desire for this room is not only for overnight guests, but maybe for people who have nowhere to go, missionaries to our country/state {they do come here}. I do also feel that if a parent has a child who will be in college through my church or extended church family and it will be easier for them to commute from my home or the parents now live somewhere else--I will have this room available........

I had a dining room and living room in my last apt. This apt has them combined...I just made it a huge living room.

Then there is my room and Nonny's room and my office. I work out of my office and the home computer is in my office.

whew! Now, the chores are changing here and there. I do know that things that MUST be done daily are:

  • Bathroom: wipe down sink and toilet with clorox wipes. swiffer floor and vacuum bath rug.
  • Kitchen: Swiffer the floor, wipe down trash can, empty kitchen recycle bin, dust bust around and under cat dishes and around litter box {empty dust buster}.
  • Living Room: must be vacuumed everyday and the entrance way swiffered.
  • Nonny's Room: vacuum rug....she gets these little pieces of paper EVERYWHERE.

Now this list does not include the usual: dishes, countertops, table....etc....These things I have found I need to do due to Nonny's asthma & my own comfortability. I have also found that now that I work from home, the chores are alot easier to accomplish. Now if I can just get the packing done!

I will soon blog my "weekly to do list" when I get it organized.

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